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Incessant rain disrupts power generation at Tala

As intake tunnels gets clogged due to debris from the surging river, millions of revenues are lost in a day By Tashi Namgyal Tala Hydroelectric Plant suffered a daily revenue loss of around Nu 55 million since 6PM of July 19 when the plant had to be completely shut down due to debris from incessant rainfall over the past week …

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Criminal conspirators slapped five to ten years

By Tashi Dhendup The most recent highlight on the high-profile criminal conspiracy case saw the Thimphu District Court sentencing the four individuals involved from five to more than a decade in prison. Supreme Court Justice Kuenlay Tshering, Pemagatshel Drangpon Yeshi Dorji, former Royal Body Guard Commandant Brigadier Thinley Tobgay and Khandu Wangmo were sentenced to a concurrent prison term ranging …

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Wamrong Battery Case: High Court Upholds Dist. Court Verdict

Staff Reporter In the most recent development to the Wamrong battery case whereby a wife of a Drangpon has been alleged of battery and trespassing case, the High Courtโ€™s Bench II on Thursday affirmed the Trashigang District Courtโ€™s judgment. The court stated that Tshering Yangki must pay the compensation and medical expenses to the victim within a month from the …

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Inoculation of children begins from South

By Sonam Choki The Ministry of Health kick-started the vaccination campaign for children aged 12-17 years with more than 800 school children in Phuentsholing and another 700 plus in Samtse inoculated as of today. The children were inoculated with N-biotechโ€™s Pfizer vaccine and this is the first time the government has initiated the drive as it wanted more time to …

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Tarayana Foundation: Reassuring hope and rebuilding lives

Founded by Her Royal Queen Mother Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck, Tarayana Foundation has brought sea changes in the country By Sonam Choki Of a host of development and philanthropic partners in the country, Tarayana Foundation an organization founded by Her Royal Queen Mother Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuk has become the frontrunners of development in the country. Apart from building lives …

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