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Female graduate to teach small group of young children in Thimphu. Permanent or long-term temporary …

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Preparing for the unknown

WFP study on the impact and plan of action for potential earthquakes is the first ever model in Bhutan for humanitarian planning By Tashi Namgyal The Himalayan region has amongst the highest earthquake risk globally, with recent moderate-sized events resulting in tens of thousands of casualties. Despite this, understanding of earthquake risk in the region is limited, particularly in Bhutan, …

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Digital monetary transaction picks steam

By Chimi Wangmo The Royal Monetary Authority (RMA), in the 2nd quarter of 2021, recorded a total of 35.81 million transactions worth Nu.177.23 billion which were made through the digital channels. This is an increase of 12.19% and 6.12% by volume and value respectively compared to the previous quarter. Further, a significant increase of 175.72% was observed in the Payment …

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Spendthrift nation?

Increasing national debt and fiscal deficit prompts the question whether Bhutan is a spendthrift By Tashi Namgyal The government will only have around Nu 1.3 million at their disposal in the form of capital expenditure during this fiscal year. Attributed to mounting expenditures as against the income over the last couple of years, the fiscal year 2021-22 has projected the …

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Art Competition to Mark Birth Anniversary of Third Druk Gyalpo

Staff Reporter To commemorate the birth anniversary of the Third Druk Gyalpo this year, the Embassy of India organized an India@75 Art Competition in collaboration with Sherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan. The Indian Embasy in Bhutan stated โ€˜the Third DrukGyalpo, known as the โ€˜Father of Modern Bhutanโ€™, was also the founder of Sherubtse College, Bhutanโ€™s first tertiary educational institution, …

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A major facelift for Paro airport

By Chimi Wangmo On October 12, His Majesty The King and Her Majesty The Gyaltsuen graced the formal inauguration of the A5-JKW Drukair Aircraft at Paro Airport. The Aircraft, named in honour of His Majesty The King, was purchased in March 2020 before the pandemic began. Their Majesties also toured the airport, where a major facelift has been completed. A …

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