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Monsoon rain batters the country hard

Most recently, a man was washed away by a flashflood in Konbar under Monggar district By Tashi Dhendup Bhutan is experiencing increased incidences of monsoon-induced disasters. And, the problem is aggravated every passing year with major damages accrued on lives and properties. This year the most tragic incident occurred in Laya where ten highlanders who were collecting cordyceps were buried …

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The Long Way Back to School

After almost 18-month hiatus Bhutanese students studying in India eagerly await to return back to their colleges. By Tshering Dema The wait has been pretty long and arduous. Even after a year and a half of remaining idle, around 5000 Bhutanese students who are studying in various colleges in India are still waiting to return back to their colleges. The …

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Economy nosedives while inflation peaks

The economy experienced largest contraction in 2020 triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. By Phurpa Wangmo Further, the growth is expected to drop to an all-time low of -6.3 percent as output from tourism-related services, construction, and manufacturing sectors deteriorated. While various containment measures including two nationwide lockdowns effectively controlled the number of COVID-19 cases in the country, economic activities almost …

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Saving the endangered Tiger

Staff reporter The country marked the Global Tiger Day this year on July 29 with various publication releases and other issues related to the majestic cat which is fast become an endangered species in our planet. The Department of Forests and Park Services (DoFPS), MoFAS and WWF-Bhutan along with conservation partners Bhutan For Life , RSPN Bhutan , Bhutan Ecological …

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DPT VP Lily Wangchuk Resigns

By Phurpa Wangmo Close to four years after joining the Druk Phuensum Tshogpa (DPT) party and contesting the 2018 general elections from North Thimphu, Lily Wangchuk the founder of erstwhile DCT party has resigned from the opposition party. The 49-year-old, who was also the founder and President of Druk Chirwang Tshogpa which did not make it past the primaries in …

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