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Opposition asks govt. to clarify on vaccine approach

Prime Minister responds in equal measures By Tandin Wangchuk In the wake of the government proposing a โ€˜mix-and-matchโ€™ vaccine approach for the second jab, the Opposition Party, Druk Phuensum Tshogpa, has asked the government to clarify on this approach given that the WHO has still not approved of this method of inoculation. DPT said the Government should clarify the doubts …

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Forester dies after drowning in Phochhu

Staff Reporter In a worrying development with the onset of the summer monsoons, a 45-year-old official from the Department of Forestry died after falling into the Phochhu while he was patrolling the river in a boat in Punakha. Police said the incident occurred at around noon on Friday below Tsekha village under Toedwang Gewog in Punakha. Sources said the deceased …

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UNICEF a saving grace in Bhutanโ€™s fight against the pandemic

By Phurpa Wangmo In 2020, UNICEF together with its partners and donors continued to accelerate its efforts to sustain the progress made thus far and support the Governmentโ€™s preparedness and response to COVID-19 to ensure that no child gets left behind in the countryโ€™s response efforts. By November last year, 9,258 babies were delivered at health facilities and 10,396 pregnant …

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Empowering rural Bhutanese women entrepreneurs

In Bhutan, SNVโ€™s efforts to support women masons reveal that they are faced multiple challenges over the past decade By Tandin Wangchuk It is often stated that well-intentioned approaches to promote rural womenโ€™s entrepreneurship in the WASH sector can inadvertently marginalise them if these fail to recognise and act on gendered barriers to womenโ€™s economic empowerment. SNV and partners are …

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Bhutan – India cooperation in Healthcare

By Chimi Wangmo One of the strong areas of co-operation in the Bhutan-India friendship chapter is undeniably providing quality healthcare. From entirely funding Bhutanโ€™s first five year plan to building the first roads and hospitals in the country, the government of India has always been a steadfast development partner for Bhutanโ€™s socio-economic growth and one area that has received particular …

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