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Economy in Doldrums: Dips past minus10

With no respite at sight, the economy is expected to tumble further down in the coming months By Phurpa Wangmo Bhutanโ€™s economy recorded a growth of -10.08 percent in 2020, by far the lowest. This is one of the most striking figures, which is 15.83 percentage points drop as compared to a growth of 5.76 percent in 2019. The National …

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MoH to Prioritize Signage for Senior Citizens

โ€ฆand also to people living with disability By Phurpa Wangmo In line with the governmentโ€™s commitment to narrow the gap and to promote people-centered health services with care and compassion, the Ministry of Health (MoH) launched the packages for the elderly population coinciding with the International Day for Older Persons on Friday. Priority Signage for 65 years and above and people …

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Economy facing major blues as pandemic drags on

The recent report by NSB throws some bleak realities into Bhutanโ€™s ailing economy By Tandin Wangchuk Bhutanโ€™s economy, unlike any other global economy, has seen a downward spiral ever after the pandemic hit us towards the final end of 2019. While almost all sectors, baring the agriculture and the livestock sector, saw some of the worst growth ever recorded in …

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TCB touted among the best in the world of travel and tourism

The Tourism Council of Bhutan (TCB) has been listed among the Worldโ€™s 75 Most Innovative Organizations in Tourism Policy 2021 Phurpa wangmo Even before the pandemic, the global tourism industry has been exploring ways to reshape the way people travel, seeking solutions to minimize impacts of tourism on the environment and opportunities to increase economic justice for tourism communities. TCB …

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Rekindling the Creativity of Children

ย Let me tell you a story: Art workshop series on story-telling and illustration for children in Bhutan. By Tandin Wangchuk  On September 11, the Embassy of Switzerland to India and Bhutan, together with the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, launched a series of art workshops for Bhutanese children aged 8 to 12 years. The workshops encourage the children to imagine …

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