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Listen to Radiola

BMF launches news website and Apps By Kinley Yonten Bhutanese who wants to stay up to date with current affairs and issues in the country can now do so with the launch of news websites and Apps. Two apps-Bhutan news and Radiola were launched on June 29, on both android and iSO platform for free. With the launch of the …

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HIV/AIDS Commission reconstituted after 13 years

By Tshering Given the social menace HIV/AIDS is causing, the national HIV?AIDS commission was reconstituted after 13 years. It was endorsed during the 133rd session of the Lhengye Zhungtshog last month. The vision of the commission is to make the HIV and AIDS no longer a public health problem in the country and to provide exemplary leadership in effective prevention, …

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23 cases detected with Typhoid

Disease attributed to contaminated private water source By Tshering As of Friday, the health ministry has confirmed 23 cases of para typhoid in Changzamtok, Thimphu. The first case was reported on June 21 where three individuals residing in the same building were diagnosed with typhoid and admitted at the National Referral hospital. After the admission of three patients, Royal Centre …

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Health minister calls on parents to help curb drug problem

Drug abuse and illicit trafficking of controlled substances is a growing issue in the country By Kinley Yonten Bhutan is facing rising cases of cannabis users, while pharmaceutical opioids remain the second most commonly used drug in Bhutan, according to the World Drug Report. This is recognized as Bhutan joined the international community in observing the Day against Drug Abuse …

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Business Incubation Unit to shape graduates for employment

By Tshering The newly opened Business Incubation Unit (BIU) will help promote employability among the graduates of TTIs and IZCs and further consolidate the skills and knowledge of trainees at the Thimphu Institute for Zorig Chusum (IZC). BIU has become increasingly common for stimulating local development through fostering the growth of small-business in many parts of the world. Since the …

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65-kilometre Simtokha – Wangdue inaugurated

East-West highway to be completed by 2018 By Kinley Yonten The first stretch of 65 kilometer of Northern East-West Highway from Simtokha to Wangdue was inaugurated on June 28. The Foreign Minister, Damcho Dorji and the Works and Human Settlement Minister, Dorji Choden inaugurated the 65-kilometre Simtokha-Wangdue upgraded highway at Semtokha. Widening and up-gradation work on 510km East-West Highway, which …

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Better understanding between judiciary and media

First workshop between the judiciary and media By Kinley Yonten To have better understanding between the judiciary and media, Drangpons from the judiciary, legal professionals and journalist from different media houses attended a two-day workshop to share expectation from each other. It was the first workshop for representatives from the media conducted by the judiciary to help understand reporting on …

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Will beef be on the menu?

Movement against the ban on slaughter of cows in India could affect supply of beef By Kinley Yonten The meat ban month is over, but it is not sure if the flow of meat, especially beef would be as smooth as before the ban. In recent months, there is a movement in India to ban the slaughter of cows. Cows …

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Hospitals need to improve patientโ€™s meals

Patient meals are not provided based on nutritional requirement of the patients, finds RAA   By Kinley Yonten Not meeting specific nutritional needs of patients could deteriorate their condition and prolong hospital stay as well as their recovery, according to an audit report on performance audit of hospital food. Patient meals were not provided based on nutritional requirements or disease …

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TCB should formulate comprehensive tourism policy and act: RAA

  By Kinley Yonten The Tourism Council of Bhutan (TCB) does not have a Tourism Act or a comprehensive tourism policy, according to the Royal Audit Authorityโ€™s (RAA) latest performance report of Tourism sector. The tourism bill and draft policy were under discussion since 2005. In the absence of these basic legal instruments, RAA observed a lack of concerted effort …

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