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LGโ€™s spent close to 40% of plan budget outlay

Prioritized expenditures in both Dzongkhags and Gewogs on agriculture and livestock sectors By Tashi Namgyal/Thimphu Against the capital outlay of Nu.50,000 million for the 12th Plan, an expenditure of Nu. 16,810.95 (33.62%) million was reported as of this year for the Local Governments (LGs). Gasa Dzongkhag reported the highest expenditure with 78.57% and Samdrup Jongkhar has the lowest expenditure with …

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Doma and Cigarettes: an Unholy Bhutanese Alliance

On average, a Bhutanese cigarette smoker smoked 111 cigarettes per month and spent an average of Nu 1,416 a month BY Chimi Wangmo The prevalence of use of any tobacco product Bhutan was 23.9% (32.9% for men, 11.8% for women), as per WHOโ€™s STEP survey released recently. WHO also states that amongst the current tobacco users, 10.6% used smoked tobacco, …

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Alcohol consumption remain high despite interventions

The report also reveals that eastern region had the highest prevalence of current alcohol consumption By Tandin Wangchuk The Non-communicable Disease Risk Factors: Bhutan STEPS Survey Report, 2019 throws some interesting facets to alcohol production and use in the country. It reveals that in Bhutan, NCDs are estimated to account for 69.0% of all deaths in 2016. Four main groups …

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DNTโ€™s subtle pursuit for political territory

Observers say the appointment of Lyonpo Karma Dorji into a key government position would garnerpolitical milestones for DNT in a constituency once considered DPTโ€™s fort By Rinchen Dorji The appointment of Karma Dorji as the new labour and human resources minister by the government could, subtly, herald the end of Druk Phuensum Tshogpaโ€™s reign in the constituency-once touted as their …

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New labour minister appointment jolts electorates

By Tashi Namgyal/Thimphu Emotions have stirred in the Nyamrup camp as the news of a newly elected Member of Parliament (MP) being selected as the Labour Minister jolted ruling party MPs as well as electorates. Serving Druk Nyamrup Tshogpa (DNT) MPs and party supporters have lambasted the decision of the Prime Minister (PM) in ignoring seasoned aspirants to fill the …

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The Heart of a Bhutanese

While Bhutanese are considered citizens of the third world, a unique trait that makes us stand out is our feeling of compassion and solidarity to help and uplift our own kind By Tashi Dendup On September 8, a family made a desperate call for help to give a second lease of life to their young son who was paralyzed due …

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Cast: Pema Yogini, ChetenWangchuk, Pelzom, SonamChophel, AumYangki, Kencho Direction: ChetenWangchuk Genre: Family Drama Duration: 1 hour 11 minutes Zukee, a Samuh original film, directed by ChetenWangchuk aka Apala, delves deeper into a young girlโ€™s quest to find her father.  Seventeen-year-old Zukee, a Layap girl, is tormented and teased by her peers for not having a father. Zukee lives with her …

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Ironing out the old-wrinkles from the justice sector

The Justice Sector Strategic Plan 2018-2023 by the Anti-Corruption Commission throws some interesting lights on the challenges faced by our key players in the sector By Sonam Choki The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) in its Justice Sector Strategic Plan states as Bhutanโ€™s justice sector grows in size, complexity and relevance the need for it to evolve to meet emerging challenges also …

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A spiritual journey

Staff Reporter To commemorate the auspicious Post-Summer Rain Retreat ceremony, His Emminence Gyelsay Trulku Rinpoche along with University President, Khenpos and Lecturers together with more than 400 monks of Tago, Chari and Dodena processed the ritual of Jong Ju. It is a religious practice from the teaching of the Vinaya tradition at the end of summer rain retreat (Yarney) where …

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Royal Audience Granted to PGDNL Trainees

Staff Reporter Her Royal Highness Princess Sonam Dechan Wangchuck, the Honourable President of Bhutan National Legal Institute, this week granted an audience to the trainees of the Post-Graduate Diploma in National Law (PGDNL), Class of 2021 at the Royal Institute of Management. Her Royal Highness urged the trainees to make the best use of the course to acquire the requisite …

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