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By Chimi Dema Spearheaded by the Tarayana Foundation, a total of 33 farmers and community members of Yangbari and Bagla under Gongdue Gewog in Mongar underwent a bamboo shoot processing training this week. A similar training was also conducted for 12 community members of Remadu village under Bjoka Gewog in Zhemgang and for another 44 participants in Nagor Gewog, Mongar. …

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A womenโ€™s group comes to the communityโ€™s aid

By Tandin Wangchuk As part of their Small Grants program, Bhutan Foundation is supporting an enterprising women’s group in Chubjekha village in Paro to install rainwater harvesting system for ten households in the community. The initiative is expected to meet part of their water needs to help the growth of agriculture in the locality. According to the Foundation, Chubjekha village …

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Visible progress seen in the livestock sector

By Tandin Wangchuk In striving to achieve livestock product self-sufficiency for a prosperous and self-reliant society living in harmony with nature, the Department of Livestock during the fiscal year has attained 92.06% self-sufficiency in dairy products, (47.75%) self-sufficiency in meat sector, 100% self-sufficiency in egg and 15 % self-sufficiency in wet fish production. DoL said in 2020-2021, in order to …

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Away from archaic offices and chaotic workplaces

By Tashi Dendup WorkSpace Thimphu, an innovative idea to help young Bhutanese startups with low budgets to find office space to do their work, is a new enterprise that plans to make it big. The concept is similar to the famous American company WeWork, whereby WorkSpace Thimphu will facilitate Bhutanese entrepreneurs and freelancers in a professional and comfortable co-working space. …

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Ministerial candidates dubbed as the โ€˜Perfect Sixโ€™

Tashi Namgyal/Thimphu Amidst the hurly-burly of recent developments around the new Home Ministerโ€™s post, the Prime Minister (PM) as of last week received six nominations but did not reveal the names. However, sources from the National Assembly (NA) indicated five male and one lone female candidate who forms the cohort of what observers have dubbed as the โ€˜Perfect Sixโ€™.The PM …

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EU commits 31m Euros

By Tashi Dendup The European Union (EU) committed its support of 31 M Euros to Bhutan for the next EU programming period which begins from 2021 to 2027. The gesture comes despite the EU withdrawing their support in early 2020. The Gross National Happiness Commissionโ€™s (GNHC) Secretary said other development partners also assured their assistance. A government press release stated …

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Plan outlay faring well despite the pandemic

12th Plan Capital Outlay will be reviewed and revised based on the implementation progress status and the resource mobilization position. Tashi Namgyal/Thimphu The capital outlay for Central Agencies is revised from Nu 50,000 million to Nu 56,233.82 million for the 12th Plan period. From the initial outlay of Nu 36,701 million to the revised outlay of Nu 41,581 million, the …

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Sungchob and Kidu Funds raise more than Nu 1bn through shares

Staff Reporter The Royal Insurance Corporation of Bhutanโ€™s (RICBL) shares held in the name of Sungchob Fund and Kidu Fund closed at a final price of Nu 73.05 per share, this week. The Royal Security Exchange of Bhutan floated more than 15 million shares at a floor price of Nu 72.5 per share. RICBL stated that more than 5,000 investors …

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Flagship Programs: A notable feature of the 12th Plan

Tashi Namgyal/Thimphu A notable feature of the 12th Plan is the Flagship Program. Flagship Programmes are interventions to address high priority national issues that require multi-sectoral collaboration and coordination in a concerted manner through various sectors of the economy. Nine flagship programmes are under various stages of implementation. The outlay for Flagship Programs has been revised from Nu 15,000 million …

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A Roadmap for Disaster-Risk Management

To enhance governance and coordination, the DDM and WFP have developed a Roadmap for Disaster Risk Management in Bhutan By Phurpa Wangmo To better prepare Bhutan for natural disasters including earthquakes, floods, glacial lake outburst floods (GLOF), landslides and forest fires, the government has made substantial progress in Disaster Risk Management (DRM). The Disaster Management Act established the National Disaster …

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