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An Exclusive with Suchetha Satish

Suchetha Satish is a prodigious singer and multi-linguist hailing from India. Born on August 17, 2005 at Kannur in Kerala, Suchethaโ€™s musical journey began at a very young age. At just 17 years old, she has already made a lasting mark in the music industry and beyond.

Suchetha gained international recognition when she broke the Guinness World Record for singing in the highest number of languages during a live concert. With awe-inspiring skill and unwavering determination, she showcased her vocal prowess in an astounding 120 languages, captivating audiences for an impressive duration of 7 hours and 20 minutes. This remarkable achievement not only solidified her place in the record books but also highlighted her extraordinary talent and dedication.

Since her record-breaking achievement, Suchetha has not rested on her laurels. With unwavering determination, she has continued to expand her linguistic repertoire, now astonishingly able to serenade listeners in an impressive 135 languages. Among this diverse range of languages, she has even mastered the enchanting melodies of Dzongkha. Suchetha has recently unveiled her second Dzongkha song, captivating audiences with her enchanting voice and profound musical expression.

Q. Share us your incredible experience of singing 120 songs in 120 different languages. How do you manage to maintain your high energy level and intense focus throughout such a demanding performance?
A. It is not easy at all. It requires a lot of energy and practice. And that is what I did throughout my journey and even before the event, I made sure to rehearse well. It all started with a Japanese song, which was my first foreign language song that I learned from my Japanese friend. I heard her singing a Japanese song and I really liked it. I learned it and sent it to her. She said I sounded like a native Japanese speaker, and that was really encouraging. It made me think, โ€˜Why not learn more languages?โ€™
My language learning journey began when I was 12 years old, and I set my first world record for learning 102 languages. It was a significant achievement for me at that age. As time went on and I gained more experience, I continued to challenge myself. By the time I turned 16, I attempted to break the Guinness World Record, which was set at 120 languages.

Q. Tell us your experience of singing Dzongkha song.
A. My first Dzongkha song, titled โ€œToh Dha Tsoem,โ€ holds a truly special place in my heart. It was not only my first original Bhutanese song, but it also marked a significant milestone in my musical journey. The story behind it is remarkable. It all began after I had learned my first Dzongkha song, which was โ€œZungna.โ€ I recorded a video of myself singing this song as part of my world record attempt, hoping to showcase my growing proficiency in the language. Little did I know that this video would become a sensation in Bhutan, capturing the attention and appreciation of countless people. The viral success of the video resonated deeply within the Bhutanese community. It was heartening to witness the overwhelming positive response from everyone in Bhutan. The impact it had on people, coupled with their encouragement and support, was truly humbling. Amidst this newfound recognition, fate stepped in when the original composer of my first Dzongkha song, โ€œToh Dha Tsoem,โ€ reached out to us. The composer had come across my video and was impressed by my rendition of โ€œZungna.โ€ This serendipitous connection led us to get in touch, initiating a collaboration that would result in my first original Bhutanese song.
The collaboration process was an incredible experience. Working closely with the composer, we poured our hearts and souls into crafting โ€œToh Dha Tsoem.โ€ We wanted to create something that would resonate with the Bhutanese people, capturing the essence of their culture and language.

Q. How difficult was it singing Bhutanese song?
A. Learning Bhutanese, the Dzongkha language, was a unique and fascinating experience for me. Despite its differences from the languages I was already familiar with, I found Bhutanese relatively manageable to learn. It presented its own set of challenges, but I was determined to embrace the beauty of this language.

Q. Do you understand the lyrics though?

A. When I embarked on the journey of recording โ€œToh Dha Tsoem,โ€ the composer graciously shared the profound meaning behind the song with me. It was a significant moment as I delved deeper into the narrative and emotions woven into the lyrics. I wanted to ensure that my rendition would capture the essence and intention behind the composition.

Q. Among all the country songs that you have sang, which one presented the most significant challenge for you?
A. Among the languages I have learned, I would consider German to be the most challenging. Its complex grammar, extensive vocabulary, and unique sentence structure presented me with a significant learning curve. However, I persevered through dedicated practice and overcame the difficulties that arose.
In addition to German, I encountered certain African languages that posed their own set of challenges. These languages featured words and pronunciations that were not commonly found in other languages I had learned. Navigating these linguistic intricacies required extra effort and focused practice.
Overcoming these challenges was no small feat. I dedicated myself to consistent and rigorous practice, honing my skills in each language. Through persistence and determination, I was able to conquer the obstacles that stood in my way.

Q. Breaking a world record and becoming a gunnies world record holder is an extraordinary achievement. How did you feel when you finally achieve this incredible moment?
A. The overwhelming sense of satisfaction I felt was indescribable, knowing that all the hard work invested by both myself and my family had paid off. It was an incredible moment, brimming with joy and fulfillment. However, as I approached the conclusion of my Guinness World Record attempt, a bittersweet feeling emerged. Despite having been singing for seven hours straight, I found myself reluctant for it to end. I was truly immersed in the experience and thoroughly enjoying every moment of it.

Q. Are you planning to pusue singing as your career in the future?
A. Absolutely, singing has been an integral part of my life for as long as I can remember. The dream of becoming an international performer has always burned within me, and I am immensely grateful that my journey has begun. It fills me with joy to see my aspirations taking shape and to witness the start of what I hope will be a remarkable musical career.

Q. How has your life transformed since you accomplished this world record and in what ways has it impacted your career in a positive ways?
A. Indeed, my musical journey has brought me closer to numerous individuals, including the wonderful people of Bhutan. It has served as a bridge that connects me with diverse cultures and communities. Furthermore, I am grateful for the abundance of opportunities that have come my way to explore and perform in various languages. These opportunities have allowed me to broaden my horizons and embrace the beauty of linguistic diversity.

I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the people of Bhutan for the immense love and unwavering support they have bestowed upon me throughout my journey. Your encouragement has been an incredible source of motivation, and I am deeply touched by the overwhelming kindness you have shown me. Each word of encouragement, every cheer, and all the support have fueled my determination to pursue my musical dreams.
To all the musicians around the world, I want to share an important message: if music is your true passion, then dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to it. Embrace the challenges, be willing to put in the hard work, and never lose sight of your dreams. There may be moments when you face obstacles or setbacks, but remember that perseverance and resilience are key. Stay committed, keep refining your craft, and never give up.

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