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By Babita Kharel

Students at Sherubgatshel Middle Secondary School celebrate a major improvement in their well-being with access to clean and safe drinking water. This significant step forward for the school community was made possible by the installation of a SkyHydrant water filtration system. The initiative aims to enhance student well-being by reducing health issues caused by waterborne diseases through the installation of a SkyHydrant water filtration system.
The installation of the system was completed in December 2023 and consists of two water tanks and a water filtration system (SkyHydrant filter), ensuring a reliable supply of clean water for the school’s 581 students (295 male and 286 female) and 47 dedicated staff members.

Funding for the physical infrastructure came from the gewog administration, and the filter installation on April 8th was supported by Disaster Aid Australia (DAA) under the BHUTAN 2020 Safe Water Project.
A spokesperson for the school highlighted the challenges previously faced: “Water scarcity is a significant problem, especially during dry and peak monsoon seasons.” Consider rephrasing for clarity: “Water scarcity is a significant problem, especially during dry and peak monsoon seasons. Broken water pipes in dire need of repair further exacerbated the issue. This reliable and independent water source is a welcome solution.”

Previously, the school shared water sources from Frenchi Khola and Devithan with the gewog. With access to clean water, Sherubgatshel Middle Secondary School looks forward to a healthier learning environment for students.
Tashi, the Chief District Education Officer (CDEO) of Samtse district, emphasized the importance of providing clean and safe drinking water in schools throughout the district. “Access to clean water is essential for student and staff health and well-being,” the CDEO stated. “Installing filtration systems like SkyHydrant ensures our school communities have this vital resource.” The initiative targets a critical issue: contaminated water sources. “Unsafe water can cause waterborne diseases like diarrhea, cholera, and dysentery,” the CDEO explained. “Children are especially vulnerable, and outbreaks can lead to higher absenteeism and lower academic performance.”

The benefits of clean water extend far beyond preventing illness. “Studies show proper hydration improves concentration and cognitive function. With access to clean drinking water, students and staff are more likely to stay hydrated, improving focus and academic performance. Proper sanitation and hand washing practices are essential to prevent the spread of disease,” he added. “By providing clean water and sanitation facilities, schools create a healthier learning environment for everyone.”

In the district, all 21 primary schools have measures in place for safe drinking water, utilizing a combination of boiling, filtration, and water dispensers. Five out of six lower secondary schools are now equipped with filtration systems. Furthermore, all nine higher secondary and middle secondary schools have implemented filtration systems.
According to Principal Ten Gyeltshen, “Our biggest concern before the filtration system was studentsโ€™ health and safety as our water source is a stream, and students frequently fell sick. We even had a mass outbreak requiring hospitalization at the PHC (Public Health Center).”

The principal said, “Since having clean water, student well-being has significantly improved, with a drastic reduction in absenteeism. The clear link is that students are no longer missing school due to waterborne illnesses.”
Gyeltsen emphasizes the importance of educating students on the system’s value. “Students need to be thoroughly briefed on the importance of the water filtration system and proper care extends the lifespan of this vital facility, so we need to constantly remind students to take care of it.” He added that parental education is also important.

Kinley Penjor, Health In-Charge at Sherubgatshel Middle Secondary School, echoes Gyeltsen’s sentiments. “Unsafe drinking water hampered student health and hindered their studies. Clean water from the filter can significantly reduce illnesses and related absenteeism.” Penjor advocates for educating students on the filtration system. He said, “Students should be introduced to the filters and understand how they work. They should be well-informed about the filter’s importance in ensuring safe drinking water and reducing health problems.”

To ensure the program’s long-term success, Penjor proposes school-wide awareness campaigns. He said, “Everyone needs to understand the SkyHydrant program’s importance in maintaining a healthy learning environment through safe drinking water. He added that regular filter checks and cleaning are also crucial.

Choki Lham, a student at the school, described the challenges they previously faced. “Before the SkyHydrant, we had a water shortage, and even when there was water in the tank, it wasn’t clean. In 2023, around 140 students became seriously ill at the same time. Doctors attributed the outbreak to contaminated water from the tank.” She explained the limitations of the previous system: “We only had one source of water, with boiled water provided by cooks. Unfortunately, due to the large number of students, not everyone received boiled water.”

Lham said, “I believe access to clean drinking water will improve studentsโ€™ health and reduce absenteeism.” She emphasizes the importance of educating students on proper filter usage: Understanding how it works, its benefits, and proper care will ensure its effectiveness.”

The successful collaboration between the school community, gewog administration, Disaster Aid Australia, the Department of Education Programmes, and the Rotary Club of Thimphu has ensured a safe and reliable source of clean drinking water for Sherubtse Gatshel Middle Secondary School. This initiative promises a healthier future for students and staff, allowing them to focus on learning and achievement in a positive and well-supported environment.

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