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By kinzang Thinley

As students across the country embrace the technology at their disposal, the emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT presents a nuanced scenario of potential and concern. These tools offer unparalleled access to knowledge and personalized guidance, fundamentally reshaping how students learn. Yet, there are lingering concerns about their impact on students’ ability to think critically and the potential for dependency. This highlights the vital importance of striking a delicate balance between embracing innovation and nurturing essential critical thinking skills.

Pema, a teacher at Samtse Higher Secondary School, said, โ€œAI tools like ChatGPT can help students learn faster and get personalized help. However, we need to watch out for students relying too much on AI because there is a concern that they will lack analysis and critical thinking skills.โ€ She added, โ€œAI tools can make studying easier, but students might not learn as deeply if they always rely on quick answers instead of thinking things through. There is a chance of failing in exams if one solely depends on AI tools. It’s not that bad if we let students use AI for help, but we also need to give them tasks that make them think hard and solve problems on their own.โ€

“AI tools make learning more fun because students can get ideas for what they want to talk about, but we need to make sure students stay focused and participate actively, even if they use AI. Teachers should teach students how to use AI responsibly, like checking if the answers make sense because sometimes AI also gives wrong answers,” she added.

Jurmey, a high school student at Lhuntse Higher Secondary School, said, “ChatGPT is indeed quite handy, offering responses to a wide array of inquiries, though the accuracy of these responses can sometimes be in doubt. Personally, I don’t see it as problematic since, unlike AI art, it doesn’t undermine the efforts of others.” Sharing her perspective, she noted, “I have found it beneficial; however, achieving good grades with it depends on how effectively you utilize it.โ€
Discussing her approach to avoiding full reliance on ChatGPT, she said, “When ensuring I’m not overly dependent on ChatGPT, I validate the accuracy of the responses and rephrase them for better clarity. For school assignments, it has notably streamlined my work, providing a framework for my responses and assistance. Further, researching topics have become significantly easier,” she added.

Yangdon, a 28-year-old mother who works in the IT department, shared, โ€œAs a parent, we ensure our children effectively utilize digital tools like ChatGPT. We are concerned about the potential misuse of media platforms and digital tools for undesirable purposes.โ€ She continued, โ€œYes, ChatGPT has a significant impact on children’s learning, offering more information compared to other sources and providing precise and standardized information whenever needed. My children are only allowed to use the digital tool when they have doubts.โ€

Reflecting on their progress, she said, โ€œThe way they respond to questions from teachers or friends has improved significantly. Whenever they have doubts, they explore further, expanding their knowledge and improving their communication skills.โ€ โ€œAs parents, we monitor their media usage, guide them to clear doubts, and encourage them to think creatively using ideas gained from ChatGPT,โ€ she added.

Yamtshen, a high school student at Gelephu Higher Secondary School, shared, โ€œWhile I don’t have personal experiences, many students find ChatGPT helpful for studying by providing quick answers, explanations, and guidance on various topics. It can assist with understanding complex concepts, generating ideas for assignments, and even offering study tips and strategies. It can be helpful across a wide range of subjects, including math, science, history, language arts, and more. It’s particularly useful for explaining concepts, clarifying doubts, providing additional examples, and generating ideas for essays or projects.โ€

She also said, โ€œI have not personally noticed any improvements in my grades or understanding of difficult concepts, but many students report that using ChatGPT has helped them better understand complex topics and improve their grades by providing additional support and clarification when needed.โ€ โ€œChatGPT clarifies concepts, provides additional explanations, and generates ideas, but it’s essential to rely on textbooks and lectures for in-depth understanding and foundational knowledge. Integrating both approaches can provide a comprehensive learning experience. ChatGPT is valuable support, but it lacks critical thinking, may spread misinformation, and poses privacy risks. It’s best used as a supplement to traditional study methods, not a replacement,โ€ she concluded.

The integration of AI tools like ChatGPT in Bhutanese education represents a paradigm shift in teaching and learning methodologies. While these tools offer unprecedented access to information and personalized assistance, they also pose challenges in fostering critical thinking skills and promoting responsible technology use. Educators, parents, and students must work together to strike a balance between innovation and critical thinking, ensuring that AI tools enhance rather than detract from the educational experience. By nurturing critical thinking skills, fostering digital literacy, and promoting ethical AI use, Bhutanese schools can empower students to thrive in the digital age while upholding the values of holistic education and independent inquiry.

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