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Meet Aum Sangay Lhamo, a renowned Bhutanese film actor who has graced the screen in over 20 movies. Known for her versatile roles, she has adeptly portrayed the character of a mother and has fearlessly taken on negative roles as well. With every performance, she has successfully carved a place in the hearts of the audience. In this interview, Aum Sangay Lhamo shares her rich experiences in the world of acting.

Q. What was your occupation prior to entering the film industry, and what steps did you take to transition into the field of filmmaking?
A. Before entering the film industry, I devoted my time to being a homemaker, caring for my family and husband. The thought of stepping into the film world hadnโ€™t crossed my mind initially. It all changed when Director Dechen Dorji, commonly known as โ€˜Ata Khawjay,โ€™ was working on the serial โ€˜Dhushay Sem Gi Damtseโ€™ for BBS. He approached me for the role of the young wife of actor Kezang Dorji, also known as โ€˜Kazi.โ€™ This proposition shifted my perspective. Despite my initial hesitations due to shyness and a lack of confidence, persistent offers eventually led me to give it a try, encouraged by my husband. Thus, accepting the role marked the beginning of my journey in the film industry.

Q. As an actor, what kinds of challenges did you face?
A. Initially, I grappled with nervousness and fear when stepping in front of the camera. However, with consistent exposure and experience, I have grown accustomed to it. Having completed over 20 movies, I find that I no longer encounter many challenges in my current role.

Q. As an actor, how do you distinguish between your personal life and your professional life?
A. There isnโ€™t much distinction for me between the two. Being an actor feels like an extension of my everyday life, and it has seamlessly integrated into who I am. Consequently, I donโ€™t perceive any significant difference.

Q. Can you sustain yourself in life as an actor?
A. I believe that sustaining a livelihood as an actor can be challenging. In our country, the population is comparatively smaller than in other nations, resulting in fewer audiences for movies. Consequently, if the audience turnout is low, the movie tends to underperform, leading to limited earnings and fewer producers willing to invest. With a scarcity of movie productions, opportunities for work are diminished, making it challenging to maintain a sustainable life as an actor.

Q. Given the challenges you mentioned about sustaining a livelihood as an actor, are you inclined to persist in your acting career, or would you explore alternative opportunities if they arise?
A. Acting is not just a profession for me; itโ€™s my passion and interest. Considering other job opportunities, I believe that, at my current age, it might be challenging to secure new responsibilities and roles. Throughout this time, Iโ€™ve been acting while living alongside my husband. Moving forward, I plan to continue supporting my family and, whenever film projects come my way, actively participate in them.

Q. Out of the numerous films youโ€™ve undertaken, which one do you regard as your favorite, and which presented the most significant challenge for you?
A. Iโ€™ve participated in over 20 movies, and I genuinely appreciate all of them equally; I donโ€™t have a particular favorite. However, in terms of a challenging role, I recently worked on the film โ€œJazalham,โ€ where I portrayed the character of a mother. Despite having fewer scenes, they were emotionally intense, involving a lot of crying. Throughout the shoot, I endured headaches and physical pain, especially during scenes where I was beaten and pushed around, resulting in bruises on my knees turning blue. I collaborated with my fellow colleagues from the village, urging them to contribute authentically to make the scenes appear realistic on screen. This experience brought about significant challenges and required me to endure both emotional and physical strain.

Q. Could you provide some insights into your recently concluded film, โ€œJazalhamโ€?
A. The film โ€œJazalhamโ€ is based on an old folktale, and I hope everyone enjoys watching it. It stands out from my previous movies where I typically played the role of a villainess. In โ€œJazalham,โ€ I take on a character who undergoes suffering and endures physical beatings, offering a unique and distinct storyline.

Q. As an experienced actor, do you observe any distinctions between the film industry in the past and the current era?
A. In the present day, with the countryโ€™s development and the advent of advanced technologies, thereโ€™s a noticeable influx of innovative storytelling and techniques brought in by cameramen, directors, writers, and others in the film industry. Compared to the past, I find that navigating the current film industry offers a relatively more straightforward path.

Q. Given that you have predominantly portrayed the role of a mother in your films, do you harbor any interest in exploring different characters and roles in new film projects?
A. Currently, I donโ€™t actively consider taking on different roles. In my youth, I harbored aspirations of being the main lead in movies. However, with the passage of time and my age, I believe the opportunities and interest in assuming lead roles have diminished. Consequently, I plan to persist in playing the roles that align with my capabilities and have been a part of my range.

This message is intended for the youth who may be experiencing frustration and a lack of opportunities, potentially leading them towards substance use. I urge them not to tread such paths because there are abundant opportunities available today. Many individuals are successfully earning a living through various avenues like dance, acting, football, and diverse fields aligned with their interests and passions. Itโ€™s crucial for them to pursue activities that resonate with their passions rather than resorting to destructive paths. By engaging in meaningful work, they can contribute to their parents, lead a fulfilling life, and avoid detrimental choices that may compromise their well-being.

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