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World hails Bhutan’s COVID-19 vaccination story

Compiled by Tandin Wangchuk In a world which is suppressed by the coronavirus pandemic, Bhutanโ€™s covid-19 vaccination story has become a beacon of hope for many countries across the world. Global Voices wrote that the Kingdom of Bhutan, the tiny South Asian country in the Eastern Himalayas, has pulled off a rare feat: as of the end of July 2021, …

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Bhutanese children at โ€˜riskโ€™ of impacts of the climate crisis – UNICEF

By Phurpa Wangmo Young people living in Bhutan are among those at risk of the impacts of climate change, threatening their health, education, and protection, according to a UNICEF report launched this week. โ€˜The Climate Crisis Is a Child Rights Crisis: Introducing the Childrenโ€™s Climate Risk Indexโ€™ is the first comprehensive analysis of climate risk from a childโ€™s perspective. It …

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Shortage of fertilizers hits farmers across the country

By Tandin Dendup Farmers across the country are facing acute shortages of fertilizers and pesticides due to the prolonged border closure triggered by the coronavirus pandemic. These daysโ€™ farmers in Punakha dzongkhag say there is a problem in acquiring the required number of fertilizer and pesticides, especially herbicides as it is time to do weeding of their paddy fields. The …

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Mainstreaming biodiversity into the tourism sector

By Chimi Wangmo The Royal Government of Bhutan and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) signed a USD 4.854 million project funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF).  The initiative, a child project of the Global Wildlife Program (GWP) will be implemented by Tourism Council as part of Tourism Flagship Programme in the 12th Five-year Plan. The project seeks to …

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Zhung Dratshang conducts Kurim in Phuentshogling

Staff Reporter Upon command of His Holiness the Je Khenpo, the Central Monastic Body is currently conducting a weeklong Kurim in Phuentsholing to avert the risks posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The prayer ceremony began on Tuesday this week and will end on coming Monday. The prayers are held at the Rinchending Goenpa and is led by the Laytshog Lopen …

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HM Visits Desuup Skilling Center

Staff Reporter His Majesty The King this week visited the De-suung Skilling Centre at Dzongkhalum, Trongsa to inspect the facility and meet with the first cohort of De-Suups participating in training programmes there. The De-Suung Skilling Programme (DSP) is a series of multiple short-term accelerated trainings by local and foreign experts, focusing on practical, hands-on skilling, customised for our youth. …

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Win or lose, Penjore hopeful for a systemic review on human rights law

Parliamentary Human Rights Committee adopting a holistic review approach and will write to the heads of agencies involved in the Penjore case for consultations. By Tashi Namgyal Thimphu The Parliamentary Human Rights Committee (PHRC) will soon submit their report and recommendations to the Speaker of the National Assembly (NA) based on their findings concerning the human rights violation and arbitrary …

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More financial doldrums in the horizon

Current budget for the Financial Year 2021-22 up by 8 percent, fiscal deficit 8.59 percent of GDP. By Tashi Namgyal Thimphu The countryโ€™s expenditure continues to rise while its resources increase just at a snailโ€™s pace or at the least,remains stagnant. The current budget for this Financial Year (FY) has increased by 8 percent compared with the last FY. The …

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Another big covid scare jolts Phuentsholing

Residents say that another lockdown could definitely be the last straw and that it should be prevented at all costs. By Tashi Dendup Just as residents were gradually dusting themselves up from the long covid-19 storm, 11 fresh cases were detected from the Medical Supplies Division jolting the residents and putting all contingency and unlocking plans into total disarray. The …

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Judiciary conducts a slew of recent high-profile cases

By Staff Reporter Just days after a court in Thimphu implicated a former RBA colonel and a senior Supreme Court judge, including their alliances, in a mutiny and sedition case, the high court affirmed the Trongsa District Courtโ€™s judgment involving former Trongsa Dzongda Lhab Dorji and five other individuals in a land scam. The former Dzongda was sentenced to five …

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